Monday, February 20, 2012

Of "cundumm", "baba"" and "annashetty"

Of "cundumm", "baba"" and "annashetty"

Those were the residency days of seventies and eighties. Our learning days in the wards of KEM hospital. They were the days of recycling materials, very few disposables.

When we saw a ward boy throw away an equipment or a material and we asked him why cant he re-use the same after washing and sterilizing, he used to say "baba e kahyun e cundumm chhe" meaning the staff nurse (baba) said it is condemned and to be thrown away. Besides the words cundumm" and "baba which the ward boys used, another word that amused us was used for anesthetists : "annashetty".

But recently I was reminded of the "cundumm" days when I was hearing Wayne Dyer's tape who mentioned 'you cannot correct anything (or anyone) by condemning it'! When you condemn a person- even mentally- it is as if you have thrown him on the floor, in the dust bin, from where he has no energy left to rise. He is written off- can't be corrected.

So be careful when you condemn someone- even mentally. In your eyes and in your mind, he will never get a chance to correct himself for you will see what you believe, you make your world by your thoughts. Although rare, even a die hard criminal can correct himself, because "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

And so, what is condemned can't be corrected and what can be or should be corrected shouldn't be condemned.

Because what is "cundumm" cannot be recycled ! The ward boy knew it well.

Love- akshay

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